Kohen is 8 months old!

Kohen is:
- eating oatmeal/cereal in the morning mixed with bananas
-loves eating bananas in his little "mesh passy"
-loves watching Noggin and Moose A. Moose
-Gives us a kiss when we say "can I have a kiss?"
-is a pro at sitting up
-can crawl backwards
-can do "push-ups"
-can stand up holding on to something for a few seconds
-eats stage 1 baby food
-LOVES peas! (he must take after his Daddy!)
-fights sleep
-loves going on strolls with mommy
-wears stage 3 diaper
-wears 9-12 month clothes
-is overall a very happy baby!
Kohen is having issues these days with his clothes! We have so much trouble getting shirts over his head!!! He HATES putting on shirts/onesies. Even if he wears a 12 months shirt, it's still hard to put it over his head!