Kohen is 11 months old today!!!
The countdown begins today! His first birthday will be in only 1 month! I CAN NOT believe it! Kohen:
- Sleeps through the night (about 10 hours)
- Takes a morning nap and an afternoon nap (his naps last anywhere from 1 hour to 2.5 hours)
- Breakfast foods include: Oatmeal and bananas or half of a waffle and fruit
- Recognizes the words Dada, Momma, Kohen, Kitty, Baby, Kiss and Clap
- Can say Da-da, Ma-Ma, the "K" sound (for Kitty), bye bye
- Waves bye bye
- Claps
- Loves pushing his cart EVERYWHERE and can go completely across the room in point 2 seconds, HA!
- Loves to sit in my lap while I read to him
- Loves his grandparents very much
- Has separation anxiety when it comes to his momma :)
- Stage 3 baby food, plus some table food
- 2 small bottles and 1 large bottle each day
- Stage 4 diapers
- Size 12-18 month clothing
- Size 4.5 shoe
- Has a momma who's obsessed with planning his first birthday!!!
A few days ago I went through his closet and drawers and put away everything he's outgrown or doesn't use anymore. I was determined to have my mind occupied while I did this so it wouldn't make me sad. Even now as I write about it, I have to not think too hard about it or I will cry. Below are some pictures of things that are being put away :(
Kohen only used a passy for about 4 or 5 months. He really didn't care for one so I'm not too sad to see these go.

Oh my, the bibs!!!! Seriously, I should have counted them. I bet Kohen has 100 bibs! My family always made fun of me for always having a bib on him. Shelley had a talk with me one day about how I buy Kohen such cute clothes but nobody ever sees what he's wearing because of his bib! So, yes, this does make me sad. Especially sad to pack away the ones that have his name on it :(

Burp rags.

Lots of shoes! These are SOME of the shoes he's gone through in the past 11 months! It seems like I'm always buying him shoes! Speaking of that, I just ordered him some really cute "Vans" from Zappos....hopefully they'll show up on my doorstep today :)

Tons of clothes. I don't think you can really tell how big these containers are from the picture.

Out with the old, in with the new!!! Kohen and I went shopping the other day and every single thing I bought was for him! I bought him 20 shirts, 8 pairs of pants and 1 pair of shoes. I didn't realize I had bought so much stuff until I stopped by Scott and Kristin's on the way home. I was showing Kristin what I had bought and as I was pulling each thing out I thought to myself, "Jason's going to kill me..." :) When I got home I told Jason I had good news and bad news. He wanted the bad news first. I said the bad news was that I spent too much money BUT the good news was Kohen was set for fall! Luckily Jason loved everything I bought and understood why I went crazy! Now it just needs to get cold!
On Friday we drove to Arkadelphia. We had a dinner to attend at HSU for "A Day with the Duke" golf tournament. We left early so we could visit some friends.
Kohen and I are ready Daddy, are you???

It was ssoooooooo good to go by the Tucker's house in Arkadelphia. Kohen loved meeting Marietta :) We also visited the Bell's, but I forgot to take a picture.

Cindy met us at the dinner and held Kohen for us while we ate. I'm SO glad she was there! I got to talk about girl stuff with her instead of golf stuff with the rest of the people at our table! I ended up having to leave the dinner with Kohen because he thought it would be fun to be VERY loud during the auction. So, Cindy and I went to visit Brooke! It was so good to catch up with the girls!

Cindy, Brooke and Kohen