I was outside loading the car and I heard SCREAMING coming from inside. I ran in and Jason was coming around the corner holding Kohen. Jason just shook his head. This let me know that it wasn't good. We all sat down on the couch and looked at the back of Kohen's head. He had a HUGE bump. It was the biggest bump and the deepest purple you could imagine. I panicked. Jason assured me that we didn't need to go to the ER. Jason put ice on Kohen's head and we waited around to make sure he was ok. After about 30 minutes, Kohen was back to being himself. We agreed that it would be ok to still go to Dallas. We loaded up and left at 6pm. Kohen was asleep before we pulled out of our neighborhood. This worried me. I woke him up twice (we had to make two stops before we left town) to make sure he was ok. After this I woke him up about every 20 minutes for the next couple of hours. He had missed his nap earlier that day so I knew he HAD to be exhausted. Kohen woke up for good around Texarkana. He was such a good traveler.
We arrived in Dallas a little before midnight. It was FREEZING! We booked a room at the Westin hotel that is located in the Galleria Mall. I've always wanted to stay there! You should have seen us trying to get our luggage, pack n play, stroller, carry bags and toddler to the front door. It was so cold. I was carrying Kohen with a big blanket wrapped around him while pulling a suitcase. He kept saying "It's Cooollldd outside!". I was laughing so hard (little did I know, THIS would be one of the highlights of the trip).
After we got to our room we immediately got ready for bed. This pregnant girl was TIRED! Jason was tired too from working earlier that day and driving for over 5 hours. We set up Kohen's crib and sound machine. We turned out the lights and attempted to get Kohen to sleep. He kept saying "rock". He wanted to rock in his rocking chair... We had to explain to him that there wasn't a rocking chair there. He kept saying "I want down" and "no". I got frustrated and passed him to Jason. Jason tried and tried to get him down. He gave up and put him in the bed with us. This lead to Kohen riding us like we were horses in bed. He was jumping up and down having the time of his life. Mine and Jason's tempers were beginning to get worse. I got out of bed at this point and got Kohen out of the bed too. I propped him on my hip and started moving my hips in a figure 8/rocking motion (I'm glad it was dark and nobody could see me). I remember looking at the clock. It was 2:22am. I told myself, if I could just do this figure 8/rocking thing until at least 2:30am, then SURELY he would be asleep. 8 minutes... I can do this crazy movement for 8 minutes.... Around the 5 minute mark, Kohen laid his head down on my shoulder.... BEFORE 8 minutes, Kohen lifted his head up, pointed to his crib and said "night, night". I quickly laid him down and headed to the bed. I had just removed my socks when Kohen stood up screaming. I got him out of his crib and yelled at Jason "IT'S YOUR TURN!". Jason, again, got up and tried to console Kohen. A few minutes later, he brought Kohen to bed with us, again... I wasn't very happy. I told him that I was rolling over and covering my belly to protect my unborn child from Kohen's bouncing! VERY soon after that, Kohen laid down and fell asleep. Yes, he was laying horizontal and taking up most of the king bed, but at least he was asleep! It was 3:30 am when we all went to sleep.
The next morning we got up (early), got dressed and headed into the galleria. We were there about an hour and I looked at Jason and said, "Do you want to go home?". He said "yes!". I can't tell you how happy I was to hear him say that! We had reservations for the next night too, but we called and were able to leave before check out. We had been there less than 12 hours. It took us about that long to drive to Dallas and back.
I have to say that I do not regret going. I got to spend a lot of time in the car with my husband and Kohen was the BEST traveler. It was so good to talk and laugh. At one point he was talking about all the decisions he's had to make since he's bought the dental practice, plus buying a new home, plus buying a new car.... He said all these decisions have been hard. Lots of going back and forth, not knowing for sure if he's making the right decision. He said "There's only been one decision I've made in my life that was easy. One decision that I knew without a doubt that it was the right decision from the beginning and that's when I asked you to marry me.". Seriously, I think that's one of the nicest things he's ever said to me! I told my mom later about what he said and we both cried! Lol :)
I love my husband, I love my Kohen and I love my new baby in my tummy. I'm glad we went to Dallas.