Our 7 year anniversary fell on Memorial Day this year. It was great because Jason was off work. We had Lauren come babysit while we had a much needed date :). We went to eat at Bravo then went to see Date Night at the IMAX and then ate ice cream at Maggie Moo's after the movie.
Lauren took these pictures of us before we left. It was Jason's idea to take this CHEESY "point at my wedding ring" picture, lol.
This past Saturday Jason was out washing the car while Kohen got to play with his new best friend, Samantha. She lives right next door and has lots of pink toys that Kohen is drawn to....hummm.... I LOVE these pictures of Samantha and Kohen :)

I think Samantha might be Kohen's first crush :)

Saturday late afternoon we headed to Arkadelphia for a crawfish boil at the Bost house in honor of Dennis and Delta's new baby!
This is Dennis, Delta and new baby Asher Blaze Bost!!! I kept saying to Delta, "Can you believe we BOTH have babies?!!!?". Delta and I were college roomates for about 4 years. It was great living with her, she would always clean up after me! HA! We always had SO much fun. Delta will honestly ALWAYS be one of my closest friends. I LOVE YOU DELTA SPRING!!!!

This is Jonathan, Mary and Lucy Bost! I'm SO glad I FINALLY got to meet Lucy! I follow Mary's blog and feel like I have known Lucy since she was born :). Jonathan and I went to preschool through high school together and I have to say that he was definitely my best "guy" friend :) Not only did I get to meet Lucy but I got to hang out with Jonathan's wife Mary. I've only met Mary once, maybe twice before this. We got along so well and have so much in common. I wish she lived closer so we could get together more often! (oh, by the way Mary, I stole some of your pictures off your blog!)

This picture describes Lucy and Kohen's relationship.... Mary and I kept apologizing to each other for our kids not knowing how to share. It was hilarious! Lucy wasn't so sure about this new boy playing with her toys!

Jason and I tried to take a cute picture with Lucy and Kohen....they weren't having it...I think we were both holding on to them for dear life!

Last thing on my blog post for today..... I finally got my "art" room finished! Here are some pictures....
I love this gold chair... it was my grandmothers chair :) I put it right beside my sewing machine because she loved to sew.

I made this wreath out of pink boas. It used to hang on my "real" art room door at school and had a lime green and black star shaped sign that said "Mrs. Smith" hanging from it...I wonder where that sign is...humm

These are a few of my favorite purchases EVER... a scrapbook paper organizer... and the black thing in the corner holds all of my scrapbook stickers and letters....

On the subject of teaching.... these are some of my most favorite books. At the end of each school year I would have my students (all 500+ students) sign their name or write a message or draw a picture in my "end of the year book". I LOVE and cherish these books. I don't think I've ever opened them without getting teary :)

One thing I loved about teaching art was that it didn't matter if a student was mentally challenged or disabled or had some kind of disorder that didn't allow them to stay in the mainstream classroom throughout the day...but they would always get to join their class in art. Some of my best art students were those who couldn't speak English very well or had behavior issues in their homeroom. One student comes to mind that had severe bipolar disorder. He was one of my BEST students.

We loved getting to see you last weekend! Sharing is our goal for 2011, we will start working on it now! I love your art room. How do you have time for crafts? Some days I don't have time for a shower! Loved the pictures!
I love you too Step on Me! I am so glad you guys were able to come down!!
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