Before I show our Easter pictures, I want to show you a picture of Kohen last Easter...
Is he not just SOOOO sweet!!!
Do you see the school bus in his hand. That was the first toy he picked up. After church when we went to get him, he still had the same toy in his hand (this is VERY typical of Kohen. He chooses one toy and that is his toy for the day. He will take naps with it, eat with it, ride in the car with it, etc.)...

Yep, he STILL has the bus in his hand....

Kohen was VERY unhappy because we had to leave the school bus toy in the toddler room. He did NOT understand why we took it away from him :(

After church we went to Chilies. Yes, I know, not very Easter like, but it's what worked for us this year. When we got there, surprise, surprise! We ran into Connie, Phillip and Laura!!! Kohen was SO happy to see them!

We didn't have time before Church to see what the Easter Bunny brought Kohen, so later that evening we did the whole Easter Basket thing...
The Easter Bunny didn't leave Kohen near as much as he did last year.... I guess the Easter Bunny shopped last minute :)

1 comment:
I love all the Easter Pictures. I love the comparisons of last year and this year! I also like Kohen's airplane sweater. Too Cute!
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