Before I get into our weekend, I want to thank my Mother-in-law for the beautiful ferns she gave us! They look great on our front steps! Thanks Jeanie!!! :)
On Friday Jason got off work at noon. It came a downpour so we weren't able to work in the yard like we had planned. I was inside when I heard loud whistling... I looked outside and Jason and Kohen were "playing" in the rain. I grabbed the camera, and an umbrella, and headed outside to take pictures of my crazy husband and VERY excited baby....

I have great video of this so I'll have to post it later.
On Saturday we headed to Fordyce for the "Fordyce on the Cotten Belt Festival". I can not believe that I didn't take ANY pictures at the festival! I did, however, take pictures at Jason's parents house in their pretty backyard...

James and Jeanie's picture was MUCH easier to take! James walked with his "Class of 65" classmates in the parade earlier that day!

On to the next destination... The FARM! Sunday we headed to Damascus to go to my aunt's farm. We had so much fun with my parents, my sister's family, and my aunts, uncles and cousins!!!
Maddie and Caroline dressed up and rode around in the Barbie car pretty much the whole time! Aren't they SO cute?!....

Matthew, Phillip, Laura and Natalie

Matthew, Laura and Phillip flying kites in the fields.... (poor Phillip had prom the night before and went to bed at 4:30am, but we were glad he came to the farm anyway!)

And there's my boy with a pink stroller. My only defense was "It has WHEELS!!!" And of course that's what he's interested in...

Jason, Kohen and I had lots of fun riding the 4 wheeler. Oh, and NO, I'm not expecting... I just look like I am, lol! We had to borrow coats because it was a bit chilly outside.

Steph! LOVE the pictures of the boys playing in the rain!! It's those moments that make the best memories! Who cares how silly it may seem, if it makes your
child(ren) smile it's so beyond worth it! By the way... i want to come play at your house! :)
i love the picture of graham and asa holding hands! it was so sweet! the pictures of kohen and the horses are really good! i don't think caroline has ever gotten that close to them!
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