(I've posted several posts yesterday and today, so don't forget to scroll down to read them all!)
This is Robert and Si! These guys are the heart and soul of my front and backyard! I'll never forget meeting these two... We were just moving in and they were across the street working on a neighbors yard. Robert told me if we ever needed any help with our yard to just let him know and they would be happy to help. Now remember, this is mine and Jason's first house to "own". Our other two houses in Conway were rental homes so we never had to worry about the yard. The people who lived here before us had done tons of landscaping and stuff and we definitely didn't want to be responsible for letting it all go to waste. I LOVE to work in the yard but I knew it would be pretty hard with Kohen. So Robert and Si have pretty much joined our family now! They have spent countless hours in our yard. A typical day for me is waking up, feeding Kohen breakfast and walking outside to say hi to Robert and Si :) Jason and I have big plans of trying to make this OUR yard and not the old owners yard. We've made lots of changes already, my most favorite change has been adding a PALM TREE!!!!! It's awesome!
Another part of the "Robert Anthony Landscape" crew is Bailey!!! Bailey comes with them sometimes to hang out in our backyard. Our cats love watching him, Kohen loves playing with him and I love having a dog around that goes home at the end of the day and I don't have to feed him or take him out to potty! LOL! Isn't he cute?!

This was the day that Robert and Si planted the palm. SO exciting!!! I told Robert that the palm was 100 times better than what I had expected, he said it cost about 100 times more too! LOL! (he was kidding, it wasn't too, too expensive).

I don't know if you can tell, but in the distance are Robert and Si and Bailey is right beside the pool to the right...

Our handy man, Mike, just built us a new door for our screened- in porch. For some reason the previous owners didn't have a door??? SO anyway, Mike made us a door and we have enjoyed playing on the porch so much.
This is Kohen looking through the screened-in porch to the backyard (the bottom part of the porch is glass, that's why you can't see the screen) .

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