Kohen's first haircut was on May 11, 2010 at 6:15 pm. I was so sad all day long. The anticipation was horrible. I called my mom throughout the day so she could sympathize with me.
This is right before we walked into the salon... So here is his "before" hair...
Megan cut Kohen's hair. She is my hairstylist. I met her when we first moved to Conway. I've been talking to Megan about "the day she would cut my baby's hair" BEFORE I was even pregnant! I'll never forget telling her that Jason and I were trying to have a baby (by the way, TMI alert) while I was getting my hair done one day and she pulled out a calendar and helped me figure out what day(s) I would ovulate. It just so happened that I was supposed to ovulate THAT day! She told me to go home and take care of business! Needless to say, the next time I had an appointment with Megan, I got to tell her I was pregnant!!! So we talked many times about her giving my baby his first haircut...
In this picture you can see the back of Kohen's "pre-haircut" hair.
By the way, I'm red-faced and sweaty because we had just come from the gym (Kohen still has his name tag from the gym on his back)...
Kohen did GREAT! Megan said he gets the "Best Behaved 1st Haircut Award"! He was just perfect. He just looked at his book and played with his truck the whole time she cut his hair. She said she even got to do "finishing details" on his hair because he was being so still!

He never once tried to look around at what she was doing. We think it's because Jason brushes Kohen's hair a lot at night and we always are running our fingers through his hair. He's just use to someone always messing with his hair I guess!

I stayed to have my hair done and Jason took Kohen home. When I got home it was crazy to see Kohen running around playing because he looked SO different! I absolutely LOVE his haircut. I think it is ADORABLE! I couldn't be happier with his 1st haircut :)
These are pictures from the day AFTER his 1st haircut. Doesn't he look SO sweet?! (Yes, he really is wearing that... a long-sleeved snowflake pj top (in the middle of May) a diaper and sandals...) -but try to focus on his cute haircut :)
I LOVE his hair cut!!! He looks so cute and the cut looks perfect! :) He does look a little older but so dang cute!
Kohen looks so cute with his big boy hair cut. I'm glad it went well. Wish us luck, Lucy is getting her first haircut today. I'm cutting her curly rat tail! I hope she sits still like Kohen!
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