Once again, this may be more info than you care to know, so read at your own risk!!!
We left for Tulsa Friday morning for my post-op 5 week check-up. Everything with my surgery has gone well, except I busted my (this is not the right word but I can't remember exactly what he called it) "tri-area incision" on my right breast. I discovered this when I was removing the surgical tape 2 weeks after my surgery. This pushed my recovery back about 3 weeks. I think I must have done it while picking Kohen up or something like that. The appointment went well. Dr. Cuzalina said that I am now allowed to exercise and basically live life normally. I am still in pain on my right side, so I plan be cautious until that side feels better. ANYWAY, I am happy with the results. I CAN wear normal, pretty bras now instead of going to specialty stores and wearing grandma bras. But one of the best things I've recently discovered is I don't have to wear a special swimsuit anymore! I went to Dillard's and tried on ANY swimsuit I wanted! It was so nice to be able to choose anything off the rack (except for bikini's, LOL, you wouldn't want to see me in that!). I ended up buying a swimsuit that would have NEVER worked for me before the surgery- a STRAPLESS swimsuit!!! I love it! I took a picture of it below...

While we were in Tulsa we took Kohen to the Oklahoma Aquarium (thanks Mary for the idea!). Poor baby had to ride in his car seat for 4 hours to Tulsa, then sit in a stroller during my appointment, then would have to sit in his car seat again for the 4 hour trip home. So we thought this would be nice to do before we headed back home. We pretty much let him run wild. And I mean wild. He was ALL over the place. Luckily there was hardly anyone there.

A few days ago I drove to Bryant to hang out with my sister and her kiddos. I took Max, Maddie and Kohen on a walk while Shelley attempted to clean her house, HA.
"Stetie..... take us to the Lemon House!!!!".... This is what Max and Maddie kept telling me while we were on a walk around their neighborhood. I had no clue what they were talking about until we walked up on this thing....

Sure enough, it was a lemon house! They had lots of fun and did NOT want to leave :)

1 comment:
I love the swimsuit! I'm so happy you are enjoying your new boobies! (I just like saying that) I am glad that Kohen liked the aquarium too!
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