Before I get down to business, let me show you some pictures of the cutest boy in the whole world...

*** Remember this picture below, I'm going to make a reference to it in a minute***

Okay.... like you've read before in this blog, my life is pretty much an open book! I've told you about throw-up, poop, cuss words, embarrassing moments, locking my baby in the car for two hours, breast reduction surgery... and now, I'm going to tell you about getting...........
Yep. That's right. I got Botox. I don't really understand why people want to keep it a secret if they have Botox treatments. It makes it sound bad or illegal when people are so secretive! LOL! I have to be honest though, I probably would not have done it if my husband was not the one offering it! It probably would have never crossed my mind to even check into it. BUT, now, I'm so glad I did it!
Jason is trained to do Botox and Juvederm and offers it at his dental practice, Dental Designs. This past March we went to Dallas for him to attend Botox and Juvederm courses. Jason was even chosen to be featured in a magazine for his work! We are also going to NYC in June for him to attend more courses. Since I just had this done on Thursday, I don't have my "after" pictures yet. So, I found some pictures online of some Botox patients...
These first pictures show, what they call, the "1's". You can be a "1" , a "11", or a "111". Look in the mirror and make a mad face.... how many "1's" do you have???

So, this is me below. I am considered a "111", lucky me, huh :). This is a picture of my "mad at Jason face"... lol. If you know me, you know I HATE HATE HATE this huge line in between my eyebrows. I ALWAYS try to retouch pictures of me because I always look mad, even when I'm smiling. ***look at the picture I talked about above of me and Kohen.... Do you see the line I'm talking about???***

The injections in between my eyebrows I could feel, but it was not painful. An eyebrow wax hurts worse than this!
The injection sites looked like little mosquito bites for the first few seconds, then they would flatten and disappear... This is definitely something you could go and have done on your lunch break and then go back to work...

Isn't my hubby so cute while sticking needles in my head??? :)

(As of today, 2 days after Botox, my horizontal lines on my forehead are already GONE!) I can't wait for my vertical lines between my eyebrows to disappear! I'll post "after" pics at 2 weeks. Yay for Botox!!!
And I'll leave you with some family pics...
These pictures CRACK ME UP! Kohen is sitting in the foyer and Jason is coming around the corner to "get" him... and Peyton is sitting on the arm of the couch watching :)

Hope you enjoyed this post!!!
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