Kohen did not do very well on the plane ride from LR to Memphis...he was very wiggly and fussy. I was completely stressed out. On the plane from Memphis to Panama City he did great.

The Delta pilot and Kohen
We made it!!! We arrived just before sunset.

We stayed in a 3 story beach house. It had 5 bedrooms and 5 bathrooms- very nice! My aunts, uncle and cousins stayed in the beach house too. We had such a great time with our family.

Laura and Kohen
David and Christie
Our private pool
Our view
Mom and Dad
Me and Jas
My crazy Dad
Mimi and Kohen

These are my cousins, Phillip, Cole (Phillip's friend), Matthew, Laura and Natalie. I had SOOOOOOOOOO much fun hanging out with my cousins! I love them so much!

Sisiters! Connie, Mom and Christie
Poppy and Kohen
David (my uncle)
Daddy and Kohen

Daddy, Mommy and Kohen on the beach! Kohen LOVED "drawing" in the sand with his little index finger. We would sit on the very edge of the water so occasionally the waves would cover our legs. Kohen loved the water too!
Scott with his best man, Adam Godwin. Scott and Adam have been best friends since they were babies wearing footed pj's!
Scott with his groomsmen. Scott, Adam G., Leo, Brad and Adam C.
Mother of the Bride and Mother of the Groom
This is where we had the rehearsal dinner
The Bride and Groom!
Kristin, Scott, Mom and Dad
Natalie, Kristin and Laura
The whole crew at the rehearsal dinner. I think there were about 35-40 people there.
Daddy and Kohen

The bridesmaids with the bride. Anna, Me, Kristin, Sarah and Whitney
My future sister-in-law!
Getting ready before the wedding
Kristin's wedding dress

Kristin, Kohen and Dad
Kristin's bouquet

The groomsmen and groom. Ready for the wedding to start!
My family before the wedding

Dad and Mom
Family photo minus a few family members :)

Scott and Kohen

Laura and Natalie
Natalie, Laura and Matthew
Connie, Mom and Christie
Phelan Family
Britt family
Scott escorting mom (and dad) to their seats
Brides parents, grooms parents
The fly over!!! HA!
Kristin with her parents
Kristin and her dad

Laura and Kohen
Scott's vows to Kristin
Kristin's vows to Scott
Family pic

Dad and Scott

Wedding party

I didn't have pictures of the actual ceremony because Jason was video taping durning the ceremony so he couldn't take pictures. I'll get some pics from other people and post later about the ceremony and also I'll add videos later. OH, and our camera battery ran out before the reception, so I'll find and post those pics later too.
The night after the wedding we were craving crab legs so we ate at Two Crabs.


Kohen holding crab legs

After dinner!

Every night my cousins and I would walk the beach and search for crabs. This is a picture of a shark (it was dead) that we came across while walking the beach. Scary! We saw two dead sharks throughout the week and tons of crabs!

Jason, Kohen and I drove to Panama City Beach the last night. We were still craving crab legs so we ate at a really great restaurant while there. This is a picture of my king crab legs :)

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