We spent Christmas Eve and Christmas at my sisters house in Bryant this year. We had plans to go to the Christmas Eve service at her church, but it was cancelled because of all the flooding the Little Rock area encountered. Below is a picture of Max and Maddie putting out "reindeer food" :)
These are the kids "Santa piles". Santa also brought Kohen a play house, but he couldn't fit it in his sleigh to bring to Bryant so he delivered it to Conway instead.

My poor SIL had to work a 12 hour shift at Children's Hospital on Christmas Eve/Christmas morning. She stopped by on her way home from work to join us!

Christmas afternoon we went to Fordyce for our 2nd Christmas. I don't have many pictures because the memory card was full.

Your christmas looked so fun with all the kiddos!! Hope you have a great New years!!
Those cookies are awesome!! You are so creative. Kohen looks super cute, as always. Hate that we missed you on Christmas. Looks like you had a great one!
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