Kohen is 9 months old!!!

- Crawling
- Pulling up on EVERYTHING
- Saying Da-Da when Jason pulls up in the garage
- In stage 4 diapers
- Stage 2 baby food
- Loves to "pick" at stuff with his pointer finger
- Laughs so hard when he sees Dentin or Peyton
- Biting HARD
- Sleeping either through the night or waking up once during the night either for a bottle or to play :)
- Has had 2 ear infections...so far
- Bumps his head all the time (sometimes on purpose)
- Takes a bath in the big tub
- Takes drinks from cups
- Loves when mommy reads to him
- Loves to watch Yo Gabba Gabba!
- Loves to play on a palette (don't know if I spelled that right)
- Fights sleep
- Hates things being taken away from him
- Loves pat-a-cake or patty cake, however you say it...
My dad babysat Kohen while mom and I ran an errand. Kohen loves Poppy and all the crazy noises and faces he makes :)
On Tuesday Kohen and I babysat Maddie while Shelley & Adam took Max to the doctor. It was a very rainy day...But it was the BEST rainy day EVER! We had SOOOO much fun walking the cart path on the golf course. There were no golfers, obviously, because of the very wet path/course. It wasn't raining when we went on our walk but Maddie insisted on having an umbrella. We had lots of fun walking through puddles with bare feet. Kohen LOVED watching Maddie play.

One of the last family pictures of the 4 Buck's...It will be 5 VERY soon :) I can't wait for little baby Buck to arrive. Shelley is due September 15 but has a history of having her babies very early. So he/she could be here at any time. Hopefully the baby will wait until closer to "it's" due date :)

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