A good friend of mine died in a car accident this past Saturday. Matt Turner. I've known Matt since we were in Mrs. Clark's class together in kindergarten. I can still remember Matt wearing this tall black fuzzy "British" hat with a strap around his chin in Mrs. Clark's class. He would go around the room to the girls, take it off and say "Good Day". Ever since kindergarten, Matt has been one of the funniest people I know. I will never forget, in fourth grade, Mrs. Linn's class, Matt decided it would be funny to hide underneath the big "world"bean bag. He would make noises during class and make Mrs. Linn question what was going on. When she figured out that Matt was underneath that bean bag, she sent for his mother (who was secretary at the school at the time). Matt was not allowed to get out from underneath that bean bag until him mother got there... He WAS the class clown throughout our WHOLE K-12. In high school, I was lucky to be close to Matt. I credit a lot of that friendship due to the fact that I was dating one of his really good friends. He ALWAYS respected me and I respected him as well. His mom was now secretary at our high school and she would always allow me to call my mom and get permission to "go home and use the bathroom" LOL!!! We LOVED having Mrs. Turner at our school! One of my best memories is Spanish class and that dang iguana.... I guess Matt and Tony will only know what happened to that thing...such an ordeal! Matt always signed EVERYTHING with his football number. I've gone back and read all my yearbook signatures... even back in elementary school and he ALWAYS had a number! The one I remember the most... #8. Matt was our quarterback. I was a cheerleader so I cheered and cheered and cheered for him as well as cheering on my boyfriend. He was/is one of a kind. Fast-forwarding... not only did Matt make an impact on my life, his Dad did too. Years after high school, my "fiance" and I were struggling. We went to talk to Matt's Dad, Gary. He was so kind. He helped me/us more then he will ever know. When Matt's father passed away, I was living in Kansas City and was unable to make it to the funeral. I emailed my mom and dad a message I wanted them to print out and give to Matt at his dad's visitation. It basically told Matt how appreciative I was of his Dad and how he helped my then ex fiance and I move on. This family is just amazing. And to add to it... Matt's wife Julee is one of the most beautiful, sweetest people I know. She has such a kind heart. I'll never forget when Julee published on her blog that she and Matt had been struggling to have a baby.... and I became pregnant with Saylor around the same time... she was the first person I emailed about me being pregnant. I felt so guilty that I got pregnant so quickly and she and Matt had been struggling. She was so sweet and told me that "God had a plan for her and Matt" and that she knew that this "next year would be great". And it was. About 3 months after that conversation, she announced that she was indeed pregnant!!! I was SO SO SO SO SO excited. I've enjoyed getting closer to Julee through our blogs. I've enjoyed watching Matt as the new anchor man on channel 11.
How I found out...
I was sleeping and I heard my sisters' ring tone early in the morning this past Sunday. I didn't answer. My phone was in the kitchen. I heard her call again and I thought to myself "She's just calling back to leave a message". Then the THIRD time it rang, I quickly got out of bed and answered the phone. She said "Have you heard?". I said "no.....but if it's bad news, I can't handle it". She said, ok, I won't tell you. Then I was curious... never imagining what I would hear next, I said "tell me". She said "Matt Turner was killed in a car accident last night". I said "No". Then I yelled "NO". Then I was screaming and crying "NOOO". All I could say was "JULEE!!!! PRESLEE!!!! LISA!!!! ANDY!!!!!!!NOOOOO". THIS IS HORRIBLE, THIS IS AWFUL, THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING!!!!!! NOT TO THEM!!!!! Jason immediately rushed out of our bedroom because he could hear me in the kitchen. It woke Kohen up as well and he just kept saying "What's wrong Mommy?"... poor baby knows all too well about death at such a young age. He understood that Mommy's friend was in heaven just like PopPop. I had Jason drive me to my mom's house. I needed her so bad even though I knew it would upset her so much to hear this news. Her heart already ached for Lisa because of the loss of Gary and now Lisa has lost her son. Unimaginable.
The past couple of days have just been heartbreaking. I hate knowing that they are having to pick out a suit and tie to burry him in. I hate that they're having to sit around that awful table at the funeral home and make sure all the spelling and dates are correct on the obituary. I hate that they're having to decide on songs and the order of events during the ceremony. I hate that Julee's having to decide if her 32 year old husband will be buried with his wedding ring or not. I hate that Preslee lost her Daddy that loved her so much. I hate that Julee lost her husband, I hate that Lisa lost her son, I hate that Andy lost his brother and I hate that my friend is gone. I do not understand.
I love the matt stories! Prayers for healing my friend!
Thanks for the Matt stories, but I think the last part of your post was the hardest to read. Thank you and praying for your healing.
Tears are streaming but that story about the iguana made me smile...I had forgotten about that dang iguana! I can see those boys now irritating Mrs. Arnold in spanish class! He was sooo funny and always doing something to make us laugh.
Truly a heartbreaking thing! This world will be less of good place without Matt. I looked back at all my stuff too and noticed it always said #8! We have lost too many from our class, too many!!! Still praying for you Stephaine!
It was nice reading this blog. Sad to know about Matt.
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