Today was Kohen's first time to sit in the grocery cart without his car seat! He LOVED it! I had to put blankets on each side so it would make him a little more sturdy. Shelley has been telling me to do this FOREVER but I just thought he was too little. I was wrong, Shelley was right...there, I said it ;) It was so nice to shop leisurely instead of making a mad dash before he got fed up with the car seat (he HATES his car seat). Trips to the grocery store and wal-mart completely stress me out b/c I'm always so scared he'll throw a fit and I'll end up holding him while pushing a buggy with an empty car seat in it. But that has all changed now! What a great trip to the grocery store- Oh and by the way, he's taking his morning nap right now- woo hoo! I have the best baby EVER!!!
Very cute! I'll be excited when Zane is big enough for that, because if I put his carseat on the cart, I can't see over it! I have to put his carseat down in the cart, and then there's no room for goodies!
Does that outfit he has on have a monkey on it? I'm pretty sure it's the same one Zane has!
Stop by and see me sometime at Target...maybe it'll cheer me up about being at work :(
i love it when i'm right:)
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