We drove to Kansas City on Thursday so Jason could attend the Mid-West Dental Conference over the weekend. Kohen was great on the 6 hour drive. He slept for about 3 hours, watched Baby Einstein and played when he was awake. Thurday night we met up with two other dentists that graduated with Jason and Sasha (my BFF that I used to teach with in KC) at 810 Zone on the Plaza. Sasha LOVED Kohen! She loved to hug and kiss on him :)

Mommy and Kohen

My yummy room service and my sweet baby :)

Kohen and Sasha

Kohen and Mommy

Sleepy Daddy and Kohen

Saturday afternoon we had lunch with Vince, Amanda and Danny. Vince and Danny both graduated with Jason. Amanda is Danny's girlfriend (she's also a dental assistant!)

Amanda and Danny LOVE Kohen so much! I loved watching them play with him. Kohen absolutely got a kick out of crazy Danny and was very cuddly with Amanda. Hopefully they will come visit us in Arkansas soon :)

Jared, Vince, Danny and Jason. What a handsome group of dentists :)

Uncle Danny and Kohen

Saturday night we went to visit our good friends The Bierks! It's been two years since we've seen each other! In the picture above is Natalie Bierk (who I loved playing Barbies with!)

Natalie and Kohen

Jason and Natalie

Todd and Kohen

My second family in Kansas City- The Bierks- Todd, Deanna, Natalie (and me)!
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