I've been wondering when we should buy Kohen a highchair. He's eating cereal everyday and loves it (now). I've been doing a little research trying to find the perfect highchair (I think my husband is rubbing off on me as far as researching before I buy!). I came across the Graco "Blossom" 4-in-1 seating system. It starts as a highchair, then turns into an infant feeding booster, then a toddler booster, and finally a youth chair. I know all that "sounds" good but I wanted to learn more. I went online and actually found a video of all the transformations and I loved it! So yesterday we headed to Babies R Us and bought it! We got home and Jason put it together. We put Kohen in it and he ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT!!! He would not stop smiling!!! We got such a kick out of watching him :) He loves the cup holder and other ridges on the tray. I haven't actually fed him in it yet b/c it was so late when we got home last night. Hopefully today he will have his first meal in his new highchair!

Loving the cup holder!

Looks like he LOVES his highchair! I can't wait to feed him in it!
Those eyes are gorgeous!! I'm gonna have to agree with MiMi; he's soooo pretty!
He is just so precious Stephanie! I showed Lisa and Matt his pictures and told them how bad I wanted to hug and kiss him!! I cut Delta Bost hair on thursday and we talked about you and Kohen! Hope you all had a good weekend.
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