Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Kohen usually takes VERY short naps throughout the day.  He will eat, play, nap....eat, play, nap.  He naps range anywhere from 5-20 minutes.  Today has been different.  He slept all night long, woke up at 7:30ish this morning and we did our usual routine.  Around 10:15 a.m. I gave him a little cereal and 4oz. of formula.  He went to sleep around 10:30a.m.  He didn't wake up until NOON.  He slept over 1.5 hours.  I thought wow!  I can't believe he slept that long.  When he woke up we played, I gave him a bath, he ate about 5oz. of formula.  I was holding him upright walking around picking up when I noticed he had fallen asleep AGAIN (this time on my shoulder) .  He was completely out like he was this morning (this morning I was bouncing him on my knee and I noticed his head droop over and he was conked  out).  I usually have to walk with him and snuggle him to get him to sleep.  I'm freaking out a little.  I keep going to check on him to make sure he's breathing!  Did any of your kids go though this change of sleep pattern???  Who knows, it may only be for this one day.  I know I should be thankful, but I can't help but be worried!  Seriously, let me know what you think!!!!


Evelyn said...

I have heard kids sleep more when they are growing. I don't think you have a thing to worry about, howver, Claire did sleep a lot the week she was sick, so he might be trying to fight something off. But CC also had a runny nose and a cough. I am sure he is just growing!!!!

The Bost Family said...

Lucy did that for one day and then the next day she was back to normal. I cried because I thought something was wrong with her, I think Evelyn is right about having a growing day! Also, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse comes on Disney Channel at 6:30 and 8:00. Lucy loves it! We DVR it so we can watch it anytime. I hope your move is going well!!

Mitzi said...

Sounds just like a growth spurt! Or it's also possible that he's changing his pattern...that happens too!

Mitzi said...

I know, though, any changes make you freak out! Just pay attention but try not to get too worried.