One year ago, we took Kohen out for the very first time. He was one week old. We went out to eat. I called my mom when we were on our way home and she just about died! She couldn't believe we took our 1 week old to a restaurant! I remember I cried because I didn't know you weren't supposed to do that! Now, I would NEVER take a 1 week old out, especially with all this H1N1 craziness! So don't worry mom, when we have another baby, I'll wait two weeks, haha :)
And this is Kohen on his 2nd Halloween! He's so grown up! I can't believe how much he has changed in a year! We went to Bryant to Trick or Treat with my sister's family and my Mom and Dad came too! We had such a great time Trick or Treating, watching the Hogs and eating pizza. Next year hopefully Scott and Kristin can join us!

Mimi and Poppy's grandbabies! I LOVE these next few pictures. They made me laugh SOOO hard (Jason too). It was hilarious trying to get all 4 kids to pose for the camera. I just kept taking pictures throughout the whole funny...

Trick or Treat! Max's costume cracked me up. This is a costume Shelley wore years ago when she had to wear a costume to work. Max and Maddie play in this costume all the time, so Max decided that's what he was going to wear for Halloween. He decided against his dinosaur, superman and football player costumes! Dad kept calling him a cantaloupe! HA!

GOT IT! Kohen didn't know what to think about this passy! He was never really a passy baby. He hasn't had one since he was 3 months old.

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